Apply To Paint a Utility Box in Cardiff!
Are you interested in participating in the SDG&E Utility of Art Project? A box on Newcastle that was previously painted by San Diego Letters has been replaced and the new box will need to be painted. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please complete the following:
- Fill out the application form.
- Submit a design proposal using the layout provide.
- Submit your completed application package by June 15th.
The Cardiff Arts Coalition will review all proposals and select three finalists. Those three finalists will be put to a public vote. Once selected the artist will need to complete the SDG&E Utility Box Guidelines form, which along with their proposed art will be submitted to SDG&E for final approval. The selected artist will be paid a $600 artist fee upon completion of their work.
This box located on Newcastle has been replaced.
Cardiff Arts Coalition members will review and respond to your application. Thank you!