Cardiff-by-the-Sea Conceptual Master Plan Wins ALSA Award
The Cardiff-by-the-Sea Conceptual Master Plan was created back in 2014. This plan was created to improve traffic flow and roadways in Cardiff-by-the-Sea which was created by the Cardiff 101 Main Street Association lead by the Design Committee as part of Cardiff 101 Main Street and the LdG Landscape Architects.
Project Goals:
To create greater connection and walkability to surrounding areas in the community including north to the Composer District, west to the Carpentier Parkway and San Elijo State Beach Campgrounds.
To improve circulation for pedestrians, bicycles and cars into and through the Cardiff Specific Plan Area.
Identification of areas in need of pedestrian improvements such as damaged, inadequate, missing or incomplete sidewalks or pathways.
Review of significant intersections and gateways into the Cardiff Specific Plan Area and recommendations for promoting traffic calming while avoiding back-up or congestion.
Retain community character and build upon existing amenities while identifying new opportunities.
Propose means for “quiet zone” to minimize or eliminate the need for train horns.
Incorporate previous studies and designs into the final conceptual streetscape plan, (Cardiff Parking Study, Rail Trail, and the Cardiff Specific Plan).
2018 ALSA Award:
We’re proud to have won an award for the San Elijo Corridor Conceptual Plan from the American Society of Landscape Architects (ALSA). Their mission is to lead, to educate and to participate in the careful stewardship, wise planning and artful design of our cultural and natural environments.
Project Description:
Firm: Lastras de Gertle Landscape Architects, Inc.
ALSA Member: Rocio Gertler
Category: Planning & Analysis
2018 Merit Award